

BeauismsThe Commute

Why I walked 90km to work

It recently occurred to me that I’m at the halfway point in life, having lived the same number of years as an adult, and non-adult. I’ve become a pain in the arse, questioning everything, including questions. Early life crisis perhaps, where you sell your car instead of buying a new…
Beau Miles
December 29, 2019
Beau Miles Junk PaddleBeauismsJunk ProjectsMaking things

Making a Junk Paddle

Placing mum on the nature strip when she needed a new hip was well down the list of options. First, naturally, would be a new hip; second was spending the next 40 years living in waist-deep water, and third was to take up a drinking problem. The last option was…
Beau Miles
May 17, 2019
FilmMaking thingsPhilosophy

Winning film festivals, or life

Bless em, the judging panel of the Paddling Film Festival and The Waterwalker Film Festival have voted Bass by Kayak the best sea kayaking film of 2018. They’re nice emails to get first thing in the morning. Cartoon figure trophies jump from the inbox, laden with digital wreaths and laurels.…
Beau Miles
July 23, 2018
A Mile an HourFilmTrail Running

To my body, the idiot

I’m back at the desk, blobbing about on my Swissball, working blood into my tight hips. In ode to my laps of the block I’ll get up shortly (at the top of the hour), and wander the halls, chatting to boxed-in academics, and myself. Slow walking and slow writing to…
Beau Miles
May 30, 2018
A Mile an HourBeauismsFilm

Running a mile an hour

My tiny farm is a triangle within a diamond. The short western fence-line joins longer southern and northern sides- sealed roads, that come to a sharp point (where hoon drivers go sideways into the ditch. I go down with a cuppa and watch as they dig themselves out). An awkwardly…
Beau Miles
May 27, 2018
FilmSea Kayaking

The hangover of Episode 6

I write for Trail Runner Magazine every so often as ‘Trail Muse’. I think my way around a particular piece of trail, narrating my world internally, and return to the laptop to write about it. We all do this in some way, regardless of the depth in narrative, or actuality…
Beau Miles
March 29, 2017
EventFilmSea Kayaking

If you build it, they will come

Sorry for the Kevin Costner metaphor, but it’s a great movie. Right up there with Dirty Dancing.  I’m dreaming. It’s the usual mix of sexy-time or unfinished business with a bully from childhood (not related dreamscapes). Then I’m at a film showing. The theatre is a small beach cove where the…
Beau Miles
February 22, 2017
Bass by KayakMaking thingsSea Kayaking

A product of the 70’s

Like most Aussies I’m a fringe dweller. I live an hour from the coast. On a clear day from the top of my paddock I can see Western Port. But I’m no salty. My surfer mates, station-wagon dudes with skunking wetsuits in the backseat, possess an acute relationship with the…
Beau Miles
February 26, 2016
Bass by KayakSea Kayaking

Bass Strait Bumfittness

How, what, when, and who? I’m sea kayaking across Bass Strait next month with three other punters. We’ll push off from Port Welshpool in South Gippsland on March 19th, heading for Tassie via The Prom, Hogan, Deal, and Flinders islands. Our last hop will cross the swift currents of Banks…
Beau Miles
February 17, 2016
Trail RunningTrials of Miles

Continuing AAWT washup

Today marks three weeks since I left the track. Flatly, I miss it. I still remember the lost trails, jungle thick re-growth, a shin twice as large as its opposite, driving rain, dusty heat- like yesterday. But it's waning, the vivid livingness of it - both good and bad. I…
Beau Miles
April 6, 2011
Trail RunningTrials of Miles

The simple life of the track

The simple life is over. Consider ultra running; the principle concerns of life are a broken down version of necessity. On any given day, the guiding forces of existence are; how the feet feel, how the body feels, how hydrated you are, how your fuel supply is, where you are…
Beau Miles
March 19, 2011
Trail RunningTrials of Miles

Finish of Alpine Run!!

Yesterday afternoon at 4:45pm I ran into Walhalla, close to 700kms after leaving the fringe of Canberra, having left 14 days earlier. It feels good to be able to stop, to take a break from the headfirst drive, to sit. I am reflecting on the run now, drinking tea, watching…
Beau Miles
March 18, 2011
Trail RunningTrials of Miles

Australian Alps training grind

In any given day, you have to face your demons; when to run. If it's first thing in the morning, the first 5 minutes of groggyness is a complete con. You have to gee-yourself into action. It's a hard sell. Coffee, crap breakfast tv and a heaped bowl of museli…
Beau Miles
February 1, 2011