

BeauismsThe Commute

Why I walked 90km to work

It recently occurred to me that I’m at the halfway point in life, having lived the same number of years as an adult, and non-adult. I’ve become a pain in the arse, questioning everything, including questions. Early life crisis perhaps, where you sell your car instead of buying a new…
Beau Miles
December 29, 2019

My love of orange things

I’m writing a book so penning this blog is a strategic distraction. I’ve also become a dad 23.2 days ago (May, Baby May!!), so I’m doing this between farting and burping a newborn, which is more fun that I thought. An infant at arms-reach makes you think in football sized…
Beau Miles
November 12, 2019
Beau Miles Junk PaddleBeauismsJunk ProjectsMaking things

Making a Junk Paddle

Placing mum on the nature strip when she needed a new hip was well down the list of options. First, naturally, would be a new hip; second was spending the next 40 years living in waist-deep water, and third was to take up a drinking problem. The last option was…
Beau Miles
May 17, 2019

My wife, glory parker

A glory park is the best car park in the parking lot. Out front, shaded, free, wide, rare as buggery. Expensive people tend to own glory parks, or pay someone to shoo others away. Poor people dream of glory parking, including my wife. Airport parking, in particular, is the preferred…
Beau Miles
November 28, 2018
A Mile an HourBeauismsFilm

Running a mile an hour

My tiny farm is a triangle within a diamond. The short western fence-line joins longer southern and northern sides- sealed roads, that come to a sharp point (where hoon drivers go sideways into the ditch. I go down with a cuppa and watch as they dig themselves out). An awkwardly…
Beau Miles
May 27, 2018

Commute loot!

Pop quiz. How many giant rolls of housing insulation can you fit into a two-door hatchback? One. Pretty crappy quiz I know, but a fun start to the day. I found this giant roll of goodness on the side of the highway. Smack bang in the middle of 6 lanes.…
Beau Miles
August 19, 2016

First Maccas in 20 years: idiot.

Helen and I, a little excited, find ourselves free at a strange time of day. Based on my pestering we head to McDonald's at the non-mealtime of 2:45pm. Let me explain.  I’ve not purchased anything from the yellow hoops since 1998 due to the combined efforts of running and doing…
Beau Miles
July 29, 2016

Year of Mortality

I was bowling down Jelly beans like a 10 year old, lost in the sugary bliss. In an instant, this childhood act steered me directly to adulthood. Mixed within the goo was a shattered tooth, large, hard chunks amidst pure sugar. A mouth full of irony. I instantly ease off…
Beau Miles
February 1, 2014

What I write on my entry card when coming home

I recently answered some questions to a phoney online blogger. The questions were slippery, and I stupidly wasted too much time. But I suppose, like any good load of bollocks, they got me thinking. At the heart of this was the leading question; Beau, why are you an adventurer? First…
Beau Miles
August 10, 2013

A mate heads to Bussleton

I’m writing this for a friend who recently, and profoundly, inspired me. Long-time friend Luke Whitmore. Father of Oscar, husband to the lovely Tarryn, firefighter, teacher, coach, family man. A solid man. I did a speech at his wedding, car-pooled with him during uni, drank copious amount of grog with…
Beau Miles
November 23, 2011