

Beau Miles and Ron MossJournalPhilosophy

Famous people I got wrong

Eating a bunch of beans and running laps around my block has sparked a bit of interest lately, which is nice. A dozen or so radio spots, and a few TV gigs have meant I’ve shared filtered air with familiar people I’ve never met. I’ve often lumped famous people into…
Beau Miles
March 19, 2019
Feature articlePhilosophyTrail RunningTravel

Being Revenant

Forty hours of transit bore lightbulbs into my night. When dawn arrives, the view from my kitchen bench reveals a red-stemmed maple sporting new buds. One particular branch touches a window pane, announcing spring- and itself, like a Jehovah witness knocking neatly and cautiously on the glass. I’ve been home…
Beau Miles
September 13, 2018


I caught myself running my fingers along the ridge-line of the Patagonian logo. I guessed they were traversing, metaphorically speaking, at a few hundred kilometres an hour.  The craggy terrain is actually felt in my fingertips, which I suppose could be a pair of legs. Coffee number, whatever- let’s say…
Beau Miles
August 23, 2018
FilmMaking thingsPhilosophy

Winning film festivals, or life

Bless em, the judging panel of the Paddling Film Festival and The Waterwalker Film Festival have voted Bass by Kayak the best sea kayaking film of 2018. They’re nice emails to get first thing in the morning. Cartoon figure trophies jump from the inbox, laden with digital wreaths and laurels.…
Beau Miles
July 23, 2018

What’s my Gripe?

I drink an average amount of coffee. Recently, my 1-2 a day has gone though the roof. Granted, I’ve been in, at, close-to, or anticipating an airport and the people-stuffed cavities of all things air-travel for 20 odd days. For it, I’ve slept in fits and prolonged coma’s and covered…
Beau Miles
July 10, 2011