A bit about the book

YouTuber, new dad, and self-described oddball who needs to shower more, Beau is what happens when you cross Bear Grylls with Casey Neistat.

After years of adventuring around the globe – running, kayaking, hitchhiking, exploring – Beau Miles came back to his block in country Victoria. Staying put for the first time in years, Beau developed a new kind of lifestyle as the Backyard Adventurer. Whether it was walking 90 km to work with no provisions, building a canoe paddle out of scavenged scrap or running a disused railway line through properties, blackberry thickets and past inquiring police officers, Beau has been finding ways to satisfy his adventurous spirit close to home.

The Backyard Adventurer is about conscious experimentation with adventure, filled with new ideas on experimental learning, making meaning and inspiration out of tins of beans, bits of rubbish and elbow grease. This is one man’s unique take on the world, how to go about life, and redefines and challenges what it means to go adventuring.

The Backyard Adventurer Q&A

“Not a superhuman, but a raw, human, human. He builds things, maintains things, connects easily and wholesomely with others, creates grand dreams and makes them a reality; not only through his execution but the filming and sharing of them with the world, for free…”

Peter Mozuraitis

‘… love your films, inspired by your adventures, I get the giggles from your wit – you are a wise guy and I dig it…’


‘… the pure articulation of life and passion of doing that Mr Miles has is extraordinary and inspiring. Taking the simple and making it seem like it’s own adventure is a reflection of life and possibly why this is, hands down, my favourite YouTube channel.’


‘On one hand he is a charming adventurer, on the other hand he is a certified nut-case. There should be more like him.’

Nicholas Janosy

‘This man is such a good story teller, we are all here voluntarily watching him eat cold beans over and over again.’


“The ease with which this guy jumps over fences. Makes me doubt their functionality.”


‘The films that come out of this channel are absolutely beautiful (Beau-tiful). They completely display the joy of making stuff and adventuring.’

Jamie Kemp

“’It’s… a bit of fun’ he says, about to embark on a pointless, bizarre adventure. This is the attitude I want in my life.”


‘Honestly I think if everyone lived even a bit like Beau this world would be a better place.’


Watch films from The Backyard Adventurer on YouTube.